User Studies

User Studies usually refers to the studies related to a specific product’s target users and their needs towards its features and functionality. Various types of research methods are used depending on the product design stage and the type of information desired, from exploratory studies to understand user needs to direct observation of people using an product to understand its ease-of-use and acceptance.

User studies are often used along with our User Interface Design and Usability or Product Conceptualization services.

User Research

Before making decisions on the features and functionality of  a product, companies should know who are the target users and understand their needs and wants in the first place. At Customer input Ltd we are specialized in using various research methods to segment various type of users and understand their specific needs.

Uncovering Innovation Opportunity

Innovation is the introduction of something that answers previously unmet needs or answers existing ones in a new and better way. In order to create true innovation, one has to research what can be improved in new ways.

At Customer input, we carefully research within the context where innovation is to happen through Observational Research whether it is in people’s homes, office environments, stores, on the road or outdoors. We have the training and experience to uncover true innovation opportunities that others miss.

Our research leads directly to concrete new features and functionality or entirely new products.

What do you see? We see innovation opportunity.

Usability Testing and Product Testing

While the term Usability Testing generally refers to the testing of a computerized user interface such as a website or mobile applications, we use it to refer to the testing of any type product.

In laboratory or on-location, our usability experts observe users as they try to accomplish realistic tasks with the product. We also probe users to understand how well the product meets their need and expectation, and identify and diagnose areas of the product that create a negative user experience.

Longitudinal Studies

Longitudinal studies are studies of user behavior with a product over time. This can be done in many ways from punctual qualitative assessments (with individual usability tests or interviews) of an product over a period of time, or constant monitoring through software logs of all user activities (for software products).

Longitudinal studies allow companies to assess the learning curve of a product, how more efficient users become over time, what is the efficiency threshold, what features become more used, others less, what work-arounds users develop, etc.

Informative Reports

Our Usability Research reports are thorough, explain in detail the potential problems and improvement opportunities found, with a description of the human factors and cognitive factors in play in a clear, easy-to-digest format. We typically give a management presentation to summarize the research report.